Search by Game Info

You can search for the game with two ways:

  1. Set Filter Queries

  2. By sort of Games List

The sorting indexes for each column (Info field) of each Game Database in the program have built.

So you can sort games in the Games List window globally and locally.

If you want, for example find all games of Kato Masao, played in 1980 (Tiny Databases set) you have to do follow:

  1. Open Full or Pro Game Database.

  2. Set global sort by 'Player' (this means that all games sort by player's name, does not matter black or white).

  3. In the 'Search word' field enter "Kato" and press search button.

  4. Program will find 136 Kato Masao games and filter them for view.

  5. Mouse click on 'Date' column header'. The Games list will sort by date locally (only for those window). So set File->Preferences->Options->List->General->Maximum number of games for loading to the number more than 136 (200 for example).

  6. You have see follow list with two games played Kato Masao in 1980.