There are three different sets of Board Options:
for boards in the program Windows
for Clipboard - to export picture with board.
for Board Coordinates
Background of the board can be:
smooth board surface (Non Bitmap) of any color sets by user.
any Bitmap for the board background from the file on your choice. There are several different wooden texture files already kept in default BIgo Assistant directory.
Play Sound. You can change sound WAV file.
Switch 'Auto save window preferences' allows program save board size for future.
Switch 'Use discrete mouse move':
'Checked': mouse cursor changes its view to cross and moves only by board points.
'Unhecked': mouse cursor does not change it view and moves in usual manner.
Switch state changing acts for the next newly opened window.
Sets Background for the board image for Clipboard.
This set of options describe
appearence of coordinates rulers in the board window if they made
enabled with the Show Coordinates button ()
or from View -- Game Board -- Show Coordinates menu.
There are four same sets for each side of the board: left, right, top and bottom. So user have full control on coordinate ruler tuning.
At the Figure you can see default state of this set of options.
Visible - Switches on/off visibility of ruler.
Inverted - changes order of coordinate labels for opposite.
Style - sets style of coordinate label.
Font - sets Font properties for coordinate labels.