Statistic for next move

You can see default view 'Statictics for the next move' at the Picture 1.

Red bar means that professional players made pointed move.

Green bar means that semi professional players made pointed move.

Dark blue (navy) bar means that pointed move made players from other categories (strong ama, ama etc).

Picture 1

You can change bar view from horizontal to vertical and back with 'View' submenu of right-click mouse menu (Picture 2).

Picture 2

With right-click mouse menu you can change sorting order for letters on the board and on the graph.


'1st Sorting Criterion'

'Group' - Played games for specific next move divides on groups by strength (pro, semipro, etc).

'Rank' - Played games for specific next move divides on groups by rank of strongest player who made that move.

 Picture 4

'2st Sorting Criterion'

'Total' - Total number of games for specific next move

'Relative Total' - number of games for specific next move calculated by built in formula

'Win' - Total number of winning games for specific next move

'Relative Win' - number of winning games for specific next move calculated by built in formula