Options: List

There are 3 separate list types:

  1. Games List for Base/Subbase

  2. List of the games for History Window

  3. Games list for specific fuseki/joseki or from the Search for position.

Firstly you have to choose one of defined above three 'Games list type'. All other options applied for choosen type of list.

'Default window size' measures in pixels. You can change these parameters later, manually resizing correspondence window.

If 'Auto save window preferences' is checked than all parameters will save in registry for future program runs.

'Maximum number of games for loading' depends on size of computer memory. If your computer not powerful enough, do not set this number more than to 200-300.

'Visible Game Info fields list' defines enumeration of info fields and the columns of info fields sequence in the Games List of choosen type.

'Columns size' is defines width of hilighted info field.